Get your tickets now for The Mother PAC’s 6th Annual Dance Like a Mother!
Over the last 10 years, we have significantly increased the number of women, mamas, and people of color holding elected office in Oregon — and we’re not done!
2020 is right around the corner. With your support, we’ll elect even more of the pro-women, pro-family candidates who share our vision of what it means to value mamas and caregivers.
And this year, we are celebrating our wins and preparing for our 2020 fight! Come join us at the 6th Annual Dance Like a Mother! This year’s Dance Like a Mother will feature special guest MC Poison Waters, DJ Daniela Karina, raffle prizes, and more. *Please note, this event is 21+.
When: September 28th, 2019 from 6:30 to 10 p.m.
Where: Holocene (1001 SE Morrison St., Portland, OR 97214)
Who: You! Your friends! Your colleagues! Your squad! *Please note, this event is 21+.
Cost: $35 a ticket. Buy your tickets here.
We hope you’ll join us!

Special thanks to our sponsors:
SPARK Women’s Conference, K19 Design, The Portland Mercury, Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici, Senator Jeff Merkley, Senator Ron Wyden, State Senator Michael Dembrow, State Senator Chuck Riley, Senator Elizabeth Steiner-Hayward, State Senator Rob Wagner and Laurie Cremona Wagner, Representative Alissa Keny-Guyer, Representative Susan McLain, Representative Mark Meek, Representative Courtney Neron, Representative Carla Piluso, Representative Sheri Schouten, Representative Jennifer Williamson, Commissioner Susheela Jayapal, Commissioner Sharon Meieran, AFT Oregon, K19 Design, Katy Seibel, Life is a Party, Nasty Women Get Shit Done, NW Women’s Fitness, Oregon AFSCME, Oregon School Employees Association, Oregon Screen Impressions, Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters (PCNI), Katie Seibel, Seven Corners Cycles, Strategies 360, Hawthorne Auto Clinic and more!
And our raffle sponsors:
Aesop, Artifact PDX, Bag and Baggage Theater, Barefoot Sage, Blueprint Modern Hair, Bolt Fabric, Broadway Books, Corrib Theater, Dava Bead, Ellen Wyoming DeLoy, Diva Den, Float On, Ipnosi, Like Nobody’s Business, Kiehls, Ladies of Paradise, Oh Baby Lingerie, Outlet PDX, aper Source, Portland Craft Bar, Profile Theater, ReRack, Shaking the Tree Theater, Tea Chai Te, The Children’s Shop, The Lumberyard, The Meadow, The Pencil Test, The Portland Nursery, and Wildfire Family Clinic!
Interested in becoming a sponsor? Click here!
And special thanks to our 2019 Squad Leaders (co-hosts):
Thuy Tran, Polly Molden, Amy Donohue, Jennifer Schuberth, Megan McMillan, Marci Garnes, Rujuta Gaonkar, Alice Gates, Renee Paradis, Lisa Frack, Sara Ryan, Anna Stiefvater, Sharon Bernstein , Elleanor Chin, Elana Pirtle Guiney, and Natalie Schow!