-- The Mother PAC

Who We Support

We choose the candidates we endorse and support with great care.  After all, if we’re giving them (y)our money or our endorsement, we want to be very sure that we are supporting the candidates who have the strongest potential to be champions for our families.  In addition to being strong on the issues that matter to us, the candidates we support financially must meet several of these more political criteria:

  • They are real leaders on the issues we’re fighting for — champions who will focus on moving bills on our key issues through the legislature that will truly improve the well-being of mothers  and families in our state.
  • They have a real chance of winning.
  • They are in a competitive race that requires more investment to win.
  • Our financial support could help them secure key leadership positions.
  • They need early funding to gain momentum, endorsements, and additional funds.

Our process: The candidates we endorse must complete a questionnaire where they outline their positions on a number of key family-friendly policy issues. Most candidates are also interviewed by our endorsement committee.

Below is a list of our previous endorsements.