Our goal is to build an Oregon where all mothers and families can thrive. To do this, we need to build a strong political voice for mothers and to elect more pro-equity and pro-family decision-makers . So we’re pooling our resources – and yours! – to get involved in races across the state, to educate candidates about the economic issues impacting mothers and families, and to elect key pro-family candidates who will champion the strong, family-friendly public policies that Oregon families need. Together we send a powerful, strategic message that we simply cannot send alone – and we’ll win!
We see an Oregon – and ultimately a nation – that looks like this:
- Caregiving is valued and supported in all aspects of our communities.
- Paid family leave and paid sick days are available to all – so we can care for ourselves and our families without losing our jobs.
- More parents can find part-time work with equitable pay and benefits and on-the-job flexibility – so it’s possible to care for our families without forfeiting our financial stability.
- Child care is affordable, high-quality, and readily available to everyone who needs it.
- Health care is not tied to our jobs.
- Women have the freedom to choose when, how and whether they become mothers.
- Every Oregon family, however it is configured, is treated equally.
- Women, mothers and people of color don’t suffer financially because of discrimination and institutionalized racism and sexism
- There are more mothers in elected office who support the economic security of all mothers
Worth fighting for, isn’t it?