We believe that if we are to succeed in creating a family-friendly Oregon that works for today’s families, more mothers need to actively participate in the political process. More voices requesting change are always better. There are 4 ways to get involved in our work:
1. Donate. We are a Political Action Committee, so donating money is a great way to be involved in our work to get the right people in office. Start now – give online or drop a check in the mail (The Mother PAC, PO Box 15146, Portland, OR 97293).
2. Host a house party to raise awareness and support among friends. They’re (truly!) fun and we make it super easy. Just email Lisa Frack to learn more and set a date: lisa@motherpac.org.
3. Receive and read our emails (you can jump on our e-list here) and take action when we ask. We might have a petition for you to sign, an email for you to send to your state legislator, or a hearing to attend or testify at.
4. VOTE! In every. single. election. Simply put: without the votes to elect the candidates we’ve endorsed and supported, they won’t win. Not registered in Oregon? Well do that right here, right now. To vote in the November 2013 election, you must already be registered. Ballots are being mailed on October 18th.
THANK YOU – we’re stronger together. In fact, alone we’ll never win.